Terms & Conditions

Updated on 12th June 2024

Revision 1.0

We here at Trustie (full name Trustie Technology Limited) value your custom, which is why we have set out these terms and conditions to make sure we are both clear about our respective rights and obligations and you know these when you use our Trustie Platform (Platform) and Services.

  1. Our Terms


  • These are the legal terms and conditions (Terms) that apply to you, and you agree to comply with them, when you access the Trustie Platform and Services that we provide to you.
  • Please make sure you carefully read through these before you access our Platform or Services because these are legal Terms between you and Trustie (‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’). If anything is unclear, please contact us for clarification by email at [email protected]
  • These Terms along with our Privacy Policy form the basis of your ability to access the Trustie Platform and Services and you accept that no other terms apply (implied or otherwise) in connection with your use. Our Privacy Policy details the Personal Data we collect from you, how we use, process, store and destroy your Personal Data when you use the Trustie Platform and Services.
  • The rules of English Law and the English Courts apply to these Terms, and any court proceedings in relation to these Terms will be in the courts of England and Wales. You retain responsibility for complying with any applicable laws in the country from which you use or otherwise access the Trustie Platform and/or Services.
  • Definitions for the terms mentioned in this Agreement can be found at the end of these Terms.
  1. About Us & How we can Contact each other
  • We are Trustie Technology Limited a Company registered in Northern Ireland with our registered office at Trustie Technologies, Catalyst, The Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Belfast BT3 9DT Northern Ireland and Company Number NI653889.
  • At Trustie, we are a software company committed to AI research. Our efforts are centred on groundbreaking research, enforcing safety protocols, forming strategic alliances and innovative products.
  • Trustie operates an AI native money empowerment platform that includes payments and rewards, gifting, analysis of linked bank Profile, financial guidance, money moods, budgets/spend pockets, saving and community social network. The Services provided through the Trustie Platform allows Trustie Users to request, send and receive money, generate rewards such as Cashback, link their bank Profiles to generate analysis of spending, view spending through the Trustie money moods, seek guidance from the Trustie AI family, post goals to the Trustie social network and build budgets based on spend pockets.
  • If you ever need to contact us, you can:
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Or write to us at: Trustie Technologies Catalyst, The Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Belfast BT3 9DT
    • Or call us on: +44 28 8230 6085
    • Or simply contact us through the Trustie Platform.


  • If we need to contact you, we will:
  • Contact you using the contact details you provided on registration (phone and email);
  • By using the feature in our Platform; and
  • Ensure that all communications will be in English. All notices required by the Payment Services Regulations 2017 will be in a PDF attached to an email. All other communication will be via email unless otherwise specified in these Terms, and you agree that we can contact you through electronic communications.
  • You agree that we can send you “push notifications” (Notifications) and understand that some of these Notifications may be turned on by default. By using the Service, you agree to receive Notifications regarding your use of the Trustie Platform and Services.
  1. Your Trustie Profile
  • To create a Profile on Trustie and to access and use the Trustie Platform and our Services, you must:
  • Be 16 years old or over and be resident in the UK (please refer to clause 3.1.7 for 16 & 17 year olds);
  • Have a personal current account with a UK Bank in which you can transfer money in and out of this Profile;
  • Ensure that this Bank account accepts Open Banking and meets Trustie’s requirements, more information on this can be found here; Open Banking
  • Have a mobile number which is capable of operating in the UK;
  • Not be a person subject to or resident in a country which is under sanctions imposed by the UK government; Provide any other such information as we require to enable you to create a Trustie Profile; and
  • If you are 16 or 17 years old you can create a Profile subject to restrictions and limitations on your Trustie profile in accordance with applicable laws (for example you cannot make payments for gambling).
  • To apply for and create a Trustie Profile through the Trustie Platform you must comply with the following steps and/or as set out on the Trustie Platform:
  • Provide and verify your key personal details being your legal name, email address and mobile phone number. You can insert this information into the Trustie Platform   manually or using the social sign in provided by the operating system on your device;
  • Respond promptly to the email Trustie sends and click into the link to verify your email address;
  • Respond promptly to the text message you receive on your mobile phone and enter the one time passcode (OTP) into the Trustie Platform;
  • When prompted by the Platform create a PIN to access to your Profile;
  • Create your unique identification to use on the Trustie Platform – a TrustieID;
  • Permit Trustie to have access to your contacts and photos;
  • Verify your identity by linking one or more of your bank accounts to the Trustie Platform, this account will need to be the bank account(s) that you would like to use in connection with our Services. You will need to consent to your Bank permitting us to have your name, account details (including account number and sort code);
  • We may need to contact you for further information to verify your identity; and

You will receive an email to confirm whether your application for a Profile is complete and accepted by us, and at this point both parties will enter into a legally binding contract, and this contract continues until either party decides to terminate in accordance with these Terms.

  • There are restrictions on your Profile which include the following:
  • You are only permitted to have one Trustie Profile at any time, any other unauthorised Profiles will be closed down or merged at our discretion;
  • You can only use your Trustie Profile for yourself (domestic and private use) and not for any other person, commercial, business or resale purposes. We are permitted to close your Profile if we suspect there is a breach of this clause; and
  • We may at times carry out checks on your transactions and Profile to ensure we are complying with the law and you agree we can contact third parties to investigate your Profile if required. If we have any issues in relation to any activity in your Profile, we may ask you to provide evidence relating to that activity. You must promptly provide evidence otherwise we may have to suspend your Profile.
  • To create, register and at times to retain your Trustie Profile you give us permission to verify your identity and Bank account information to:
  • Enable you to use the Trustie Platform and Services; and
  • For us to adhere to compliance laws and regulations.
  • You hereby authorise us to obtain, verify and record information and review any documentation that assists us for this purpose, whether directly, or indirectly through a third party.
  • We have the right to decline an application to create a Profile for any reason. Where an application for a Profile has not been accepted you will not have access to the Trustie Platform and Services.
  • To ensure the Trustie Platform works correctly, please make sure your operating system and our App is the most current version.
  1. Your Profile – keeping it safe and secure
  • Your Trustie Profile contains a lot of confidential financial information, it is your responsibility to ensure that you keep your Trustie Profile safe and secure at all times.
  • Do not share your pincode for your Trustie Profile with anyone, and do not write or tell anyone else your pincode.
  • If in any circumstances, you think that someone may have accessed, or could access your Trustie Profile, you must change your pin immediately and freeze your Trustie Profile in the Platform.
  • If you have any concerns or suspect that your Profile may have been compromised, someone has access to your pincode or it’s been used illegally by a third party, you must notify us as soon as possible by emailing us at: info@co.uk
  • It is your responsibility to check your transactions regularly. If there are any issues with these transactions, you agree to contact us immediately and we will review these transactions with you. If we suspect that there is an issue due to mistake, errors or even fraud, we may be able to arrange a refund. If you fail to tell us immediately or within 12 months, we may no longer be able to arrange a refund. You may also not be entitled to a refund, if you have breached these Terms, didn’t provide the right instructions to enable us to recover the money or such losses are not the direct result of an action we took. You should also notify your Bank in accordance with their terms and conditions.
  • If we suspect or become aware of any fraud or security risks on your Profile, we will contact you by using the phone number you have provided to us.
  1. Managing your Profile
  • You will be required to keep your Profile active by logging into your Profile on the Trustie Platform at least once every 6 months. If you do not do this, we may suspend your Profile in accordance with Clause 6.8 of these Terms.
  • You are responsible for maintaining accurate information in your Profile at all times. If there are any errors during the initial registration of your Profile, it is your responsibility to rectify them using the “edit” function in the settings on the Profile page.
  • To deliver our Services, we’ll need your consent to access your accounts. However, you have the option to remove your account(s) from your Profile whenever you choose. Please note that doing so might restrict our ability to provide our Services to you completely.
  • In the settings in “Profile” you can unsubscribe or subscribe to our marketing emails and amend your notifications to confirm what information you would like to receive from us. However, we will still be permitted to send you emails that relate to our Platform and the Services we provide to you.
  • The TrustieID you select on the Platform must meet our standards to prevent the use of offensive IDs or the representation of trademarks or brand names. If you violate this clause, we reserve the right to modify your TrustieID or suspend your account (if deemed reasonable under the circumstances). Any alterations made to your profile will be communicated to you accordingly.
  1. Closing, Suspending, Restricting or Blocking your Profile
  • To close your Profile with us (which you can do at anytime) you will need to:
  • Notify us of your intention to close your Profile, by contacting us directly or using the    options available to you in the Platform to close your Profile;
  • Ensure all payments that are owed to Trustie are up to date for the closure to be             effective; and
  • Make sure that any advance payments made to a merchant, which are non-refundable, are spent by you before closing your profile.
  • Any Rewards on your Profile will expire when your Profile is closed.
  • We reserve the right to close any Profile you have with us, for any reason, with a minimum notice of 8 weeks. At the conclusion of this period, your Profile will be terminated, the Terms will cease, and you will no longer have access to any of our services

  • We have the option to suspend or close your Profiles and these Terms, without any notice, if we suspect that you have carried out on any Profile:
  • any fraudulent activity including giving us false information;
  • any criminal activity;
  • you are being abusive to anyone at Trustie; or
  • breaching any applicable laws.
  • We can also suspend or close and/or otherwise restrict your Profile (in whole or part) and these Terms, without any notice if:
  • We are obliged by law to do so;
  • We have determined that providing you with a Profile is no longer advantageous to our business, as in our opinion we believe it could have a detrimental impact to us;
  • We suspect you are using your Profile for commercial purposes, or that the usage is excessive on your Profile;
  • You breach our Terms, you materially breach our Terms, you persistently breach our terms, you do not accept revised Terms or have not adhered to the limits in your Profile;
  • You seriously infringe any trademarks, brand names or any other intellectual property not owned by you, and in such circumstances, we will forfeit any cashback;
  • You have not repaid any amount you owe us;
  • We no longer provide any part, or all of the Services;
  • We suspect your Profile is subject to unauthorised or fraudulent use or is a security threat;

 There are issues with your Profile because it is not up to date which includes; we need  additional documents to verify your identity and you have not provided these to us, you  do not have a serviceable mobile phone number, you do not have a serviceable email  address or we cannot access you by email because you have marked them as spam, abusive or junk emails; or

  • The activity on your Profile is deemed unacceptable, which includes (but is not limited to) breaching our community standards.
  • Unacceptable activity on your Profile includes (but is not limited to):
  • Harassing, abusing or impersonating other Trustie users;
  • Acting in a way that is threatening, defamatory, obscene to other Trustie users;
  • Acting in a way that infringes the privacy of other Trustie users;
  • Doing anything that intends or does interfere with another Trustie user’s ability to use or enjoy the Trustie Platform or services
  • Breaching our community standards when you post, comment or message on the Trustie social forum
  • Harassing or abusing employees of Trustie or doing anything that could damage the reputation of Trustie;
  • Acting in a malicious manner which includes hacking, inserting viruses, harmful data, or malicious code into the Trustie Platform or any of our operating systems;
  • Not complying with and not co-operating with any complaints process;
  • Not providing accurate information and ensuring it remains up to date or allowing others access to your Profile;
  • Using the Platform or services in a way that is not in accordance with the Terms;
  • Using the Platform or services for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful manner for example creating fraudulent profiles;
  • Acting in a manner which infringes upon our intellectual property rights, or questioning or disputing the ownership to any intellectual property rights we have in the Trustie business including our Platform and services;
  • Acting in a manner which infringes the intellectual property rights of others;
  • Interfering with the Trustie Platform, services, security or operating systems in a manner which is expected to cause any damage, overburden, compromise, disable or impair any of them;
  • Without our prior written consent, copying, varying, altering or modifying part or the whole of the Trustie Platform or services or permitting it to be combined with other programs; and
  • Not complying with security or validation procedures and attempting to deliberately avert them.
  • If reasonable and acceptable in the circumstances and subject to any applicable law, you will be given reasonable notice that your Profile has been suspended, restricted, or blocked and the reasons for doing so. If we don’t give you prior written notice, we will tell you soon after, if permitted to do so in the circumstances and by any applicable laws. Any suspension will be lifted, if the issue has been resolved between the parties to our satisfaction.
  • Any inactive Profiles can be closed or suspended by us. An inactive Profile is one that has not been activated within 12 months of being registered with us or not being used for 6 months since the last activity on that Profile. Any funds in such inactive Profiles will be held for a period of 6 years after which period, they will be removed from your Profile. Your profile is deemed dormant if you do not log into it for 6 months or more.
  • If there is any issue with any transactions on your Profile, we may, in our reasonable discretion, block any transactions.

  1. Our Services
  • You have access to the following Services which allow you to:
  • Payment Service – send and receive payments directly from your bank account without you disclosing any personal details about your bank account with others by utilising    Open Banking.
  • Rewards Service – earn rewards from your payment transactions, prepaid card  purchases , Trustie Prepays (gift cards) and balance data through Open Banking, this could include Cashback payments.
  • Spending & Saving Service – save towards a financial goal, analyse your spending and income from the bank accounts you connect to Trustie, set yourself a budget and spend pockets and review your finances through Trustie money Moods.
  • User Content Service – post content (comments, photos, links and other material).
  • Ask Service – interact with the Trustie AI family to seek guidance on your financial journey.
  • Discount Services – get discounts to use at online stores by providing you with links or

  • By accepting these Terms, you accept the following about the Service:
  • It provides you with financial insights which may assist you in managing your finances;
  • It does not provide you with any guarantees on your investment results and you accept that any investment has an element of loss you could lose money and are also subject to political, economical and other risks;
  • It is not a replacement for professional financial advice and you need to consult with a professional financial advisor prior to making any investment decisions or making any significant changes to how you deal with your finances; and
  • It does not constitute investment, financial, legal, accounting, tax or other advice through the information it provides you with.
  • When using the Trustie Platform and Services you accept that the following is not the responsibility of Trustie:
  • the accuracy of any data obtained through any third-party sources;
  • your ability to retrieve your account data from any third-party source;
  • any material you download or obtain through the Trustie Platform and Services; and
  • any loss of data or damage to your computer system from downloading any material from the Trustie Platform and Services.
  • You will need to rectify any inaccurate or outdated information obtained from a third party directly with the relevant third-party source.
  • Trustie do not provide any warranties beyond those detailed in these terms regarding any advice or information we give, whether written or oral.
  1. Payments Service
  • There are no fees for sending and receiving person to person payments through the Trustie Platform, but you are responsible for any charges or taxes imposed by any third parties.
  • The Trustie Platform requests your permission to connect your Bank Account and access bank information for your Profile when you initially set up and connect, and thereafter each time you make any payments through it.
  • To use the Payment Service, you can create a Payment Request through the Trustie Platform which details the amount to be paid along with a reference. A Payment Request is generated which you can share with your contact(s) (through the ways detailed in the Trustie Platform including in app, as a link, via SMS, in person with a QR code), this request can then be scanned or clicked into by your contact, after which they are taken through a validation process which redirects them to their own bank who will complete their own verification process, which if accepted will permit the payment to be made.
  • You can receive a Payment Request Receipt through the Payment Service which enables you to send payments to others. If you accept a Payment Request Receipt you can consent to sending a payment by going through the Trustie validation process and your Bank’s validation process. You cannot revoke your consent to the Payment Request Receipt once you have consented without authorisation from you Bank.
  • You need to ensure that you have sufficient funds in your Bank Account to cover any amounts detailed in a Payment Request Receipt before proceeding with the acceptance of such a request. Trustie will not be responsible or liable for any charges or liabilities imposed by your Bank due to a Payment Request Receipt being completed with insufficient funds in your account.
  • Trustie is not responsible for how your Bank processes your Payment Request or Payment Request Receipt. Your Bank’s terms and conditions will apply to payment processes going through its online system and it can either accept or decline them. Transactions accepted by your Bank will be deemed to have been received in accordance with your Bank’s cut-off time, a Payment Request Receipt or Payment Request received after this period will be deemed to have been received the following business day or in accordance with your Bank’s timing for receipt of payments.
  • It may be possible for you to make payments to an existing Trustie user who is listed in your contacts, or if your TrustieID has previously accepted direct payments without a Payment Request or Payment Request Receipt.
  • Details of your payment transactions can be found in your Trustie Profile.
  1. Rewards Service
  • The Trustie Platform enables you to earn rewards when you connect your bank account to your Trustie Profile.
  • The following applies to automatic Cashback:
  • Qualifying Purchases made directly with a retailer may entitle you to receive a Cashback reward. If you provide your consent, Trustie can evaluate the purchases and transaction data provided by your Bank and/or credit card provider to track and identify those purchases that are eligible for Cashback rewards. Cashback rewards are given to Qualifying Purchases which are purchases that comply with certain conditions including the Bank Account used in connection with the purchase, the amount spent and where it was spent.
  • It is accepted by you that it is in the absolute discretion of Trustie as to whether a purchase is a Qualifying Purchase, and Trustie does not have any liability to you in respect of any failures in identifying any relevant Qualifying Purchases and/or the amount of a Cashback reward.
  • The Eligibility Criteria for automatic Cashback are as follows:
  1. you accept that your purchase is genuine, and not fraudulent or for any other non-genuine purpose. Any purchases viewed as insincere, in the absolute discretion of Trustie and/or a retailer, will not be liable for Cashback;
  2. the purchase is one which complies with the criteria set out by the relevant retailer (Scheme Retailer);
  3. the purchase complies with any other criteria set by the retailer and Trustie; and
  4. if applicable, the purchase complies with any other criteria we see as necessary.
  • Cashback earned in accordance with the Eligibility Criteria will appear in your Profile as “Available Cashback.”
  • You can notify Trustie, as soon as possible, of any Cashback that you consider you are entitled to but did not receive. We will investigate with the retailer and if appropriate, make all reasonable endeavours to ensure you receive the Cashback but we cannot guarantee any payment being made to you. We retain a right to cease any investigations if deemed necessary by us, and this is in our sole discretion, and any cashback you are entitled to is given to you in our sole discretion.
  • There may be additional conditions on Cashback which are detailed on the Trustie Platform, for example it could be time limited. It is your responsibility to make sure you are aware of such conditions.
  • You fully accept that any Cashback you are entitled to is given to you in our sole discretion, and we reserve the right to refuse any Cashback payments to you if we consider it reasonable and necessary in any circumstances, including if we are prevented from doing so by any applicable law. This is because we do not hold money in your Trustie Profile or account in the same way that a bank does, and we are not under any obligation to hold any amount for, or on behalf of, you or other customers, third parties or to transfer any amount to you or other customers or third parties.
  • If a retailer permits us to do so, we may pass on additional cashback to you which will come out of our own resources (Cashback Top Up). This Cashback Top Up is only applied if the value of the transaction is equal to a minimum of £0.01 or over, any values below this may not qualify for a Cashback Top Up.
  • The following applies to Cashback Links:
  • If you do not activate the link correctly then this may result you may not be able to claim your Cashback. This may include (but is not limited to) you doing the following:
  1. moving away from the Trustie Platform site to a third party site before the transaction is complete;
  2. failing to complete your transaction in full; and
  3. clicking through to a retailer through any other link or sponsored advertising which is not our link and therefore cannot be linked to your TrustieID.
  • Cashback relating to Cashback Links are earnt on paid transactions that comply with the following:
  1. your purchase must be genuine, and not fraudulent or for any other non-genuine purpose. You accept that any purchases viewed as insincere, (in the absolute discretion of Trustie and/or a retailer), will not be liable for Cashback
  2. when we receive a notification from the retailer that your purchase is linked to your TrustieID, this notification is received when you log into your TrustieID at the time you make your purchase and the retailer is notified of this link, or has a tracking network which identifies you to your TrustieID. You must be logged into your TrustieID to activate this process.
  3. only qualifying transactions are entitled to Cashback, and it is at the absolute discretion of the retailer as to whether or not a purchase is a qualifying transaction, and you accept that Trustie has no liability in relation to whether or not you receive Cashback if the retailer decides your transaction is not a qualifying transaction.
  4. You have a valid and active Trustie Profile. If for any reason your Profile is inactive (including suspended, restricted, terminated or blocked) then any Cashback will not be payable.
  5. If you do not proceed with your original purchase because you decided to return, cancel or amend part or all of the original item you ordered, then you may not be entitled to claim Cashback on that purchase.
  • Any affiliate networks which we use are able to access the order ID on your purchase with us, and you accept we need to do this to identify transactions that are entitled to Cashback.
  • You can notify Trustie, as soon as possible, of any Cashback that you consider you are entitled to but did not receive. We will investigate with the retailer and if appropriate and make all reasonable endeavours to ensure you receive the Cashback but we cannot guarantee any payment being made to you. We retain a right to cease any investigations if deemed necessary by us, and this is in our absolute discretion, and any Cashback you are entitled to is given to you in our absolute discretion.
  • Any payment dates for Cashback are estimates and for guidance only and we have no liability for any delay in relation to these dates as set by the retailers. We are not liable to pay you any Cashback if there is any delay in such payments.
  • If there are any inaccuracies or errors with the Cashback you receive or are entitled to, we are entitled to rectify them.
  • You accept that we are not liable for any payments if we do not receive the commission from the retailer, regardless of the reason.
  • The retailer is ultimately responsible for paying commission to Trustie for any Cashback which we can pass on to you, and their decision is final and binding in relation to whether or not this commission is paid.
  • Any cashback that you have earnt does not pass you to until you have taken possession of the Cashback. We do not hold money in your account and legal title to the cashback therefore doesn’t pass to you until you have taken possession of the Cashback form your Trustie Profile.
  • You fully acknowledge and accept that in any circumstances the payment of Cashback is at our discretion and notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms, we may refuse to pay Cashback to you for any reason.
  • Cashback can only be paid to you if it is genuinely owed to you and the following applies:
  • If there have been any errors or inaccuracies in paying you Cashback, then Trustie has a right to reclaim or adjust the amount accordingly.
  • If is your responsibility to manage your Cashback rewards, this includes keeping your Trustie Profile updated with the correct contact details to enable you to claim your rewards. You will also need to ensure that you sign into your account at least once every 6 consecutive months, if you do not do so, your Cashback will be forfeited. It is a condition of your Trustie Platform that you log into your account once every 6 consecutive months to keep your Trustie Profile active.
  • When Cashback cannot be earned or paid out if there have been any errors or inaccuracies in paying you Cashback, and this may include (but is not limited to) the following;
  1. Cashback is not genuinely due to you;
  2. The purchase is deemed not to be a Qualifying Purchase by Trustie;
  3. The retailer deems the purchase not to be a Qualifying Purchase;
  4. The purchase is cancelled, amended or returned;
  5. Trustie has not received any commission for the purchase from the retailer, and you accept that Trustie’s decision is final and binding in such circumstances; or
  6. You do not have a valid Trustie Profile (for any reason).
  • Reward Cashback points expire after 12 months from the date of receipt of the same.
  • Redeeming Cashback
  • Cashback can be redeemed once you have accrued at least a minimum of £10 in Cashback for each and every withdrawal.
  • You can redeem Cashback by either:
    1. having the amount transferred into your bank account; or
    2. exchanging it for Trustie Prepays for the equivalent amount (the same Terms for prepaid cards as detailed in this Agreement will apply).
  • If you redeem your Cashback into your bank account, you will be responsible for any bank transfer fees relating to that transfer. We charge a fee per redemption if you transfer to your bank account, and this is subject to changes in accordance with banking fees incurred for the transfer. You need to ensure that your bank account details are correct and have not been changed in the last 72 hours and we are not responsible for any funds going to an incorrect bank account if you have provided incorrect bank account details.
  • If the transfer is rejected, for any reason, we will promptly refund the Cashback back into your user account.
  • Any delays in redeeming the Cashback to your bank account may vary depending on your bank and we take no responsibility for any delays due to bank systems and processes that are not within our control.
  • The following applies to Trustie Prepays we sell:
  • We sell gift cards from a number of different retailers (as detailed on the Trustie Platform) which you can purchase and use in accordance with the retailer’s terms and conditions.
  • Trustie Prepays will have their own terms and conditions, which will be detailed on the Trustie Platform, and you must accept when you purchase these cards. Trustie does not issue the gift cards and we simply resell them from different providers.
  • Trustie Prepays’ purchases may entitle you to a Cashback reward.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the Trustie Prepays you purchase aligns with your intended use by checking the retailer’s website and their terms and conditions for any limitations.
  • There are a number of ways in which you can pay for your Trustie Prepays, including going directly to your bank or an external party for processing. If you use an external party then there may be additional terms that apply to your transaction.
  • When you have completed your payment for your Trustie Prepays, Trustie will send you a notification (by email or via the Trustie Platform) acknowledging receipt of your payment and approving your Trustie Prepay order. Upon this confirmation, you will receive your Trustie Prepays on the Trustie Platform (within approximately 1-5 minutes, however, occasionally there may be a delay and it could take up to 2 hours).
  • You accept that when you have completed your purchase for a Trustie Prepays, you will receive it promptly, and will lose any right to change your mind and cancel your purchase.
  • You accept that the purchase of a Trustie Prepays is final, and you may not be entitled to a refund on this purchase. We may in our discretion, attempt to negotiate a refund for you with the original provider of the Trustie Prepay if the card remains unused. If Trustie Prepays provider does not agree to a refund, we cannot give you a refund. We will use our reasonable endeavours to facilitate this refund within 14 days (or longer during holiday periods) for you.
  • If you experience any issues with your Trustie Prepays purchase because it is defective please contact Trustie’s customer service team ([email protected]) to receive a replacement or a refund.
  • If you have any other difficulties with the Trustie Prepays (apart defects), then you will need to consult the retailer’s terms and conditions as detailed on their website and contact their customer services team directly.

  1. The Trustie Platform provides a Saving & Spending Service
  • To utilise the Saving & Spending service you will need to ensure that you securely and safely connect any relevant bank accounts and credit cards (Accounts) to your Trustie Profile
  • To connect your Accounts, you will need to follow the instructions when you set up your Trustie Profile in the Trustie Platform, by clicking onto the link provided in your profile tab.
  • Trustie will require your consent to review your Account transactions on a read-only basis. At times, we will request to renew this consent with you. Please note that without this consent, we will be unable to provide this service to you and we require consent for each Account you hold in the Trustie Platform.
  • You can decide to withdraw or not renew your consent for Trustie to access your Account(s) at any time. In such circumstances, Trustie may be unable to provide you with all or any of our Services and you will not receive any eligible Cashback or parts of our Rewards Service.
  • Trustie is not responsible for the accuracy of the data which Trustie receives from any third party sources in the Trustie Platform. Trustie does not represent or warrant that it can retrieve your Account data from any third party source. If you have any concerns about the inaccuracies of this data, you need to contact the third party source.
  • By accepting these terms and giving your consent, you agree and accept that to use the Trustie Platform and Services you:
  • grant Trustie a royalty-free licence for your Account(s) and all of the information contained in them for the purposes connected with the Trustie Platform, Services or the Privacy Policy;
  • grant Trustie the right to use, display, distribute, modify, display, distribute and create new material using or incorporating such information to provide the Trustie Service to you;
  • accept that we will retrieve information on your behalf as your representative from your Account(s), and not on behalf of or in the name of any third party;
  • agree that in certain circumstances, in which we are required to do so by law or court order, we may need to reveal your identity and information relating to your Account(s) to a third party;
  • agree that any aggregate, non-personally identifiable data which Trustie gains from your use of the Trustie Platform or Services may be used, licensed, reproduced, sold, distributed and disclosed by Trustie;
  • accept and represent that you are the legal owner of the data in your Account(s) and you have the right and authority to appoint Trustie, and expressly agree to appoint Trustie as your agent and grant a limited power of attorney to access and retrieve such data on your behalf;
  • accept that Trustie is not responsible for information in your Account(s) and it is your responsibility and your Account(s) providers to ensure that it is accurate and up to date;
  • by submitting any information and data that Trustie may use this information for the purposes as detailed in this clause, and no payment of fees are required; and
  • You cannot copy, reproduce, copy, distribute, or create derivative works from any content delivered to you by Trustie. You must also not reverse engineer, or reverse compile any technology associated with Trustie, its website or other provisioned technology.
  1. The following applies to any Content on the Trustie Platform and Services
  • User Content refers to any post content, including comments, photographs, links and other material that you place onto the Trustie Platform or Services.
  • Trustie permits you to post User Content on the Trustie Platform.
  • You are solely responsible for your User Content and retain all rights in it and agree that Trustie can show it to other people to use and save it accordingly.
  • You grant Trustie and our users a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, worldwide license to use, store, display, create derivative works, reproduce, save, modify, perform, and distribute your User Content on Trustie solely for the purposes of operating, developing, providing, and using the Trustie Products. Nothing in these Terms shall restrict other legal rights Trustie may have to User Content, for example under other licenses. We reserve the right to remove or modify User Content for any reason, including User Content that we believe violates these Terms or our policies. User Content that you have shared may remain on the platform even after you have deleted your Profile.
  • We will keep your User Content for a commercially reasonable period of time for backup, archival, or audit purposes upon the closure, suspension or deactivation of your Trustie Profile.
  • Trustie and its users may retain and continue to use, store, display, reproduce, re-pin, modify, create derivative works, perform, and distribute any of your User Content that other users have stored or shared through Trustie.

11.7.  Trustie are keen to gain feedback from you about the Trustie Platform and Services, and you agree that when you provide such feedback, comments or ideas that Trustie can use this without any restrictions or compensation to you. By incorporating and accepting any feedback, comments or ideas from you, Trustie does not in any circumstances, waive any rights to use similar or related feedback previously provided and known to Trustie, obtained from other sources, or developed by its employees.

11.8.  You agree to ensure that your User Content is appropriate and suitable for the Trustie Platform and this includes (but is not limited to) to complying with the following; the content is accurate, complies with all applicable laws, where you state an opinion it is genuinely held, you do not bully, harass or intimidate any other user and you do not claim anyone else’s content as your own.

11.9.  You agree to ensure that your User Content is not, or you do not act in any way that is hateful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or discriminatory; promotes violence, contains graphic or gratuitous violence, or is otherwise offensive or objectionable.

11.10.              You do not use the Trustie Platform or Services in any way that constitutes unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, commercial activities and/or sales, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” “contests,” “sweepstakes,” or any other form of solicitation.

12.   Referral Service


12.1.  If you invite eligible persons to use the Trustie Platform during a period when we are actively promoting a Referral Service, you may be entitled to a Referral Bonus provided you comply with these conditions in this section 12.

12.2.  To qualify for a Referral bonuses during a Referral promotion campaign, you will need to ensure you have:

12.2.1.    You have an active Trustie Profile and have agreed to our Terms and Conditions.

12.2.2.    A bank account linked to your Trustie Platform.

  • You share a unique signup link with the person you refer and it can be found on the Trustie Platform.
  • The person is an eligible person which is; someone who is 16 years or older, and is not a current user of Trustie at the time they accept your invitation. Anyone who has downloaded the Trustie Platform/App and accepted our Terms is considered to be a Trustie user.
  • You can track the progress of the referral process on the Trustie Platform.
  • The following will vary depending on the Referral Promotion Campaign running at the time:
  • the amount of friends you can invite;
  • the referral bonus you will receive;
  • the duration of the campaign; and
  • when you will receive your referral bonus.

For details of the above, please check any emails and in-app promotions running at that time.

  • All successful referral bonuses are paid into your Trustie [primary pocket]
  • Please be aware that sometimes we do not offer a bonus in our Referral Promotion campaign.
  • A referral invite is successful on completion of all of the following conditions (and is subject to any investigations and checks we may make):
  • you made the referral in good faith with the intention of referring an Eligible Person to Trustie;
  • you sent an invite from your Trustie Profile to an Eligible Person;
  • The Eligible Person needs to access Trustie and our Terms and Conditions were accepted and complied with;
  • they registered a Trustie Profile for the first time and linked at least one bank account to their Trustie Profile;
  • they purchased a prepaid card; and
  • the person has complied with any other conditions required in that particular campaign (eg. subscribing to another service).
  • A referral is automatically invalid if the following applies:
  • You invite anyone who is not an Eligible Person (under the age of 16 and/or an existing Trustie User);
  • You invite anyone under the false pretence that they will receive a referral bonus, or you do something other than in alignment with promoting Trustie’s main purpose, which is AI Money Mentor;
  • You do anything that is, or could be, unlawful or fraudulent;
  • You do anything that could damage the Trustie brand, reputation or goodwill;
  • You do anything that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation;
  • You do anything that breaches our terms and conditions and any of our other policies we have with you; or
  • You send any unauthorised promotional material or advertising, or unsolicited material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam), or anything similar through paid search or any other form of similar activity including utilising channels that can potentially damage the Trustie brand or goodwill.
  • Any Referral bonuses we send to you must be claimed by you in your Trustie Profile. We are not liable to you if you do not claim your Referral Bonus in due time.
  • You must claim your Referral Bonus before you close your Trustie Profile. If you do not, we can recover such bonus(es), however, you can contact our customer support team to claim any lost bonus provided you do so within 28 days of closing your account.
  • If you did not act in good faith or have breached any of the term of the Referral Service section, Trustie can limit your right to receive rewards.
  • If you act in a fraudulent or dishonest manner or there is a material abuse of the Referral Service, Trustie can suspend or close your Trustie Profile, and if any Referral Bonus has been paid to you, then Trustie has a right to recover such payments, or not proceed with a payment if it has not been paid to you.
  • We will ensure that any information you provide to us for the Referral Bonus Service is in accordance with our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.
  • At our sole discretion, we can (at any time) terminate, suspend, or change the terms and requirements of our Referral Service.
  • If you have any queries around your Referral Bonus, you can contact our customer services team by email at [email protected].

  1. Ask Service
  • Our Services enable you to input prompts, from which we generate corresponding outputs. At Trustie, we call these prompts and outputs “Interactions.” While we aim to deliver precise results, please note that outputs from our artificial intelligence systems might not always be completely accurate. Therefore, it is crucial to independently verify the accuracy of these outputs before relying on them for any decisions.
  • Regarding the Interactions you provide, you maintain all associated rights and responsibilities. By submitting Interactions, you affirm that you possess or have secured all necessary rights, licenses, and permissions needed to use them in accordance with our Terms. You grant us a limited, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, and distribute your Interactions to support, enhance, and create additional products and services.
  • Trustie utilizes cutting-edge generative AI technologies to deliver the Ask services and content. Despite our extensive efforts to improve the accuracy and reliability of our AI-generated content, we cannot assure its complete infallibility. Such content should be considered potentially erroneous and used with caution. Users should be aware that this content might not always be entirely accurate, appropriate, or dependable, and it should not be the sole basis for crucial decisions or interpretations. Trustie is not liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or misrepresentations in the AI-generated content. Users are encouraged to independently verify any AI-generated information before relying on it, particularly in situations that demand high levels of accuracy and precision.
  • You acknowledge and agree that any questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback or other information about the Services (“Feedback”), provided by you to Trustie are non-confidential and Trustie will be entitled to the unrestricted use and dissemination of these Feedbacks for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you.
  1. Our fees
  • The App is free to download. There are currently no fees for using the Services.
  1. About the Trustie Platform
  • We will be issuing software updates for our Platform from time to time and if there is a serious issue with the Platform, you will be required to install the update and accept any revised Terms and conditions so you can continue to access our Platform.
  • All of our responsibilities in relation to the Trustie Platform and Services are detailed in these Terms. There are no implied terms for any of our services, including our Platform. This includes, reliability, accuracy, whether it meets your needs and if it is available.
  • You accept that there may be times when we need to interrupt the Services that we provide and in such circumstances, we will restore the Services as soon as practicable.
  • We cannot provide any guarantee that the Services we provide, including the Trustie Platform, are free from any viruses, bugs or are not faulty at times.
  • Third party links, website and other services
  • If you access any other independent websites or services through the Trustie Platform, you accept that these are not within our control and we are not liable for their content, terms and conditions and other applicable policies and you will therefore need to review them and decide whether or not they are acceptable to you.
  • If Trustie decides to use any third parties for customer checks or any other due diligence processes, you will be notified of our decision and have access to their terms and conditions and privacy policy. Before you decided to proceed with these third parties, please review these documents and decide whether or not they are acceptable to you.
  • All copyright, rights, trademarks, database and other intellectual property rights in any external data sources or embedded third party services used in the Trustie Platform or Services are the intellectual property rights of the relevant third party provider.
  • You will be subject to the terms and conditions of other third parties that you use in conjunction with the Trustie Platform and Services, which includes (but is not limited to) your bank and the App store. Again, before you decided to proceed with these third parties, please review their terms and conditions and other policies and decide whether or not they are acceptable to you because it is your responsibility to comply with them.
  1. Intellectual Property
  • The Trustie Platform, Services, technology, software and confidential information all contain intellectual property rights which we own and these are protected by such intellectual property rights and other laws. You acknowledge our intellectual property rights and accept that you cannot gain any rights into any of our intellectual property rights at any time.
  • We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Trustie Platform and Service, and in the material published on it. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.
  • “Trustie” is a UK and EU registered trademark of Trustie Technology Limited. You agree not to use it without our prior written approval.
  • You will retain ownership of any trademarks, database rights, copyright and intellectual property rights in your data, and this will not be transferred to us. If required, for the purposes of providing the Trustie Platform and Services you agree that we can use and modify your data.
  • We grant you a right to use the Trustie Platform and Services on the following conditions:
  • If you hold an active Trustie Profile you have a personal, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive licence to use the Trustie Platform and Services subject to complying with the Terms and the terms and conditions of the App store provider that you use.
  • You agree not to do anything that would infringe or violate our (or any third parties) copyright, trademark or all other intellectual property rights or break any applicable law in relation to them and also not use any logos, branding, service marks or trademarks that belong to any merchants using our platform, without their permission, or as permitted by law.
  • You will comply with all applicable laws in relation to our or any third parties, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property rights.
  • You will not use any logos, branding, service marks or trademarks that belong to any merchants using the Trustie Platform and Services, without their permission, or as permitted by law.
  • You cannot gain any rights in the Trustie Platform and Services because we will at all times remain the owners of all of the Services, we provide you and the Trustie Platform. Except, as permitted by law or with our direct authorisation, you cannot use, distribute, reproduce, modify, copy, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, transfer, loan, rent, sell, publicly perform or publicly display any part of our services, including our Platform, platform or software. You must also not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or do anything to extract the source code of our platform and software.
  1. Your Data
  • To use the Trustie Platform and Services we require you to provide certain information and we may collect other Personal Data from yourself.
  • Our Privacy Policy details how we use your Personal Data (information that identifies you personally), your rights in relation to your Personal Data and the purposes for why we collect your Personal Data.
  • You are responsible for the accuracy and reliability of your data.
  • We require your consent to collect certain data (eg. marketing communications), and you have the ability to change your consent settings at any time on the Trustie Platform by opting out on the notifications tab on your Trustie Profile.
  1. Liability and disclaimer – IMPORTANT: These clauses detail our respective liabilities in relation to the Trustie Platform and Service. Please read this section carefully because it tells you when we are liable for your losses and when you are liable for any losses we may suffer if you do not comply with these Terms.
  • The Trustie Platform and Service are provided on the following basis:
  • As an “as is” and on a “as available” basis and we provide the Trustie Platform and Services and all related information and content at your sole risk.
  • We do not make any guarantees and expressly disclaim all warranties that the Trustie Platform and Services, products, information or anything else you obtain from Trustie will meet your expectations, intended use or requirements.
  • We cannot guarantee that the Trustie Platform and Services will be error-free, entirely secure, timely, available, reliable, virus-free or that errors will be corrected as we rely upon your internet service and the use of your own device to access the Trustie Platform and Services.
  • We will try to ensure we keep any disruptions to the Trustie Platform and Service to a minimum but at times we will need to carry out routine maintenance, updates, upgrades and support work which may be disruptive to your use of the Trustie Platform and Service. We may suspend or limit access to the Trustie Platform or Service while we make such changes and, in such circumstances, we will use reasonable endeavours to notify you of the same.
  • We may need to suspend use of the Trustie Platform and Service to investigate any unauthorised use.
  • We do not exclude or limit our liability to you for death or personal injury caused by negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by the applicable law. We exclude all other liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage arising in connection with the Trustie Platform or Service including the following losses (whether direct or indirect): loss of profit; loss of anticipated savings; loss of or damage to goodwill; loss of use or corruption of software, data or information; any indirect and consequential loss; the cost of you obtaining goods or services as substitute for the Service we provide; the acts or omissions of any third party such as the providers of your Bank Account or any statement or conduct on or via the Trustie Platform by any third party; any other loss or damage suffered by you in connection with the Trustie Platform or Service.
  • Neither of us will be liable for any breach of the Terms or liable for anything which is as a result of a failure or delay of our obligations if this delay or failure is due to any circumstances, events or anything which is beyond your or our respective reasonable control. We are also not liable to each other for any loss or damage that does not result from the direct consequence of any act or omission; or any loss or damage which is not foreseeable.
  • We are liable to you for:
  • any foreseeable loss and damage that we cause;
  • any foreseeable loss and damage that is a result of us breaching these Terms; or
  • any foreseeable loss and damage which is a result of us not using reasonable skill and care.

Foreseeable means that we are both aware that such a loss will occur at the time.

  • We are not liable to you for any unforeseeable loss or damage, any loss or damage that is not as a result of the direct consequence of your or our act or omission.
  • Our Services and the Trustie Platform are for personal use only, and we are not responsible for any business or commercial losses that you incur including but not limited; loss of profits, loss of business, interruption to business, lost opportunity, special, indirect or consequential loss, howsoever arising and whether or not such loss was foreseeable.
  • We are not liable to you for any content or third parties advertising on our website, Trustie Platform or using any of our services provided such content is lawful and accurate, for any goods and Services you purchase using the Trustie Platform, any websites or Platforms linked to us and their content or if any services are unavailable for you.
  • We are not liable for any Prepaid cards you purchase; we will simply act as an intermediate to provide you with those cards from particular providers, your contract is with the provider directly, and any redemption, return, replacement or refund for any product purchased is with the retail provider.
  • We are not liable to you if you purchase a prepaid card and do not use it before the expiration date, no longer intend or use the prepaid card, the retailer you have purchased it from ceases trading, you no longer want or intend to use the prepaid card, or you are unhappy with the product/service from the retailer.
  • You shall be personally held liable for any liability incurred by us as a result of breach of these Terms by you. You shall also be liable for all losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised payment transaction where you have acted fraudulently or have with intent or negligence failed to protect your Login Details. Except where you have acted fraudulently or as otherwise provided by applicable law, you will not be liable for any losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised payment transaction arising after you have notified us under Clause 4.5.
  • As soon as you notify us of any monetary errors we have made on your Trustie Profile, we will refund or withdraw any payments to correct that error provided that such errors are notified to Trustie within 6 months of the error occurring.
  • These terms do not affect your legal rights as a consumer.

  1. Making a complaint
  • If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, please contact us as soon as possible, you can contact us via email at [email protected].
  • We will aim to respond to your complaint within 10 days of receipt of such complaint.
  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can request that it is forwarded to a Customer Services Manager, who will review it and get back to you within 14 days of receiving your complaint.

  • You agree to provide any information about your complaint, as reasonably requested by our Customer Services team within a reasonable time period. Any delays in providing this information, will extend the time it takes us to resolve your complaint.
  • If you are still not happy with the outcome after our internal investigation procedure, and/or the review by a manager, then you have the option of complaining directly to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman Service can be contacted at:

    Email: [email protected]; or

    Website: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

  Post: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR;

Telephone: 0800 023 4567 (from a landline) or 0300 123 9 123 (from a mobile);

  • Any complaint or dispute with any reward, Prepaid card or goods or services purchased from any merchant must be made to them directly, we have no liability in relation to such matters because our Terms do not apply to such transactions.
  1. Termination rights
  • You can delete your Trustie Profile at any time in the Trustie Platform.
  • If you do not agree to any amendments or variations to the Terms you can terminate the contract between us and delete your Trustie Profile accordingly.
  • We may terminate the contract between us, for any reason, by giving you at least 8 weeks notice.
  • We may terminate the contract between you and us immediately if we reasonably believe that you have engaged in any unacceptable conduct, breached our community guidelines, you have committed fraudulent activity or other activity we determine to be unfair or abusive, of if you are not eligible for a Profile or you are an ineligible user, you are in material or persistent breach of these Terms, or your actions could constitute a misuse of the Trustie Platform or Services (including, but not limited to, uploading malicious code, viruses, anything that could disrupt, disable, overburden or damage the Trustie Platform, or you use another way to access the Trustie Platform apart from our interface).
  1. General
  • These Terms, along with our Privacy Policy form the basis of the entire contract between you and us regarding the Trustie Platform and Services.
  • We will provide you with details of any changes to the Terms by email (using the email address in your profile). The latest terms can be found on the Trustie platform.
  • If you are unhappy with any updated Terms and want to terminate your Profile and relationship with us, you may terminate your Profile in Trustie App. If, where applicable, we do not hear from you within the one month notice period, or last edited date if sooner, and you continue to use the Trustie Platform and/or Service, you will be deemed to have accepted the new Terms.
  • There are no third parties who benefit from these Terms and no third party shall be entitled to enforce these Terms.
  • We shall be entitled to transfer our rights and/or obligations under these Terms to another party, provided that such transfer does not reduce the guarantees provided to you under these Terms.
  • These Terms bind our successors and permitted assigns and we will give you 8 weeks notice of such a change.

  • With our prior written consent, you are permitted to transfer your rights and/or obligations in these Terms.
  • If we do not take any action against you for breaching these Terms and we waive our right or remedy under these Terms, we may still choose to enforce any other Terms or those particular Terms in the future because you breached them again.
  • If any part of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, then it will be replaced with wording which, to the extent possible, achieves the same purpose as the original wording, and the remainder of the Terms will remain binding in force.
  • There may be additional third party charges to the Services and Platform which may apply and we are not responsible for the same including (but not limited to) those of your mobile phone provider and bank charges.
  • As used in these Terms, terms defined in the singular have the same meaning when used in the plural, and terms defined in the plural have the same meaning when used in the singular.

  1. Definitions

Accounts means bank accounts and credit cards.

Ask Service means interacting with the Trustie AI family to seek guidance on your financial                 journey.

Available Cashback means the cashback earned in accordance with the Eligibility Criteria.

Bank Profile means a personal current Profile with a UK Bank in which you can transfer money in and out of this Profile.

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England when banks are open for business in London.

Cashback Top Up means additional cashback we can pass to you, out of our resources, if a retailer permits us to do so.

Discount Services means getting discounts to use at online stores by using links or codes that Trustie provides.

Eligibility Criteria means the criteria set out in clause 9.1.3.

Open Banking means when banks and other financial institutions provide third parties access to financial data to access, use and share through the use of application programming interfaces (API).

Payment Service means sending and receiving payments directly from your bank account without you disclosing any personal details about your bank account with others by utilising Open Banking.

Personal Data means any information that can be used to personally identify you, including information you give to us when you register (e.g. mobile number) and any information that we collect as you use the Trustie Platform and Services. The data is anonymous if it does not contain any personal information.

Qualifying Purchases means purchases that comply with certain conditions including the Bank Account used in connection with the purchase, the amount spent and where it was spent.

Rewards Service means earning rewards from your payment transactions, prepaid card purchases and balance data through Open Banking which could include Cashback payments.

Trustie Prepays means prepaid gift cards purchased on the Trustie Platform


Services means the products, content, features, technology, functions and services (including but not limited to those detailed in section 7) provided by Trustie including our website, and any other online, offline, or mobile products and services on via any platform or technology, including our App.

Spending & Saving Service means saving towards a financial goal, analyse your spending and income from the bank accounts you connect to Trustie, set yourself a budget and spend pockets and review your finances through Trustie money Moods.

Terms means the legal terms and conditions in this Agreement

Trustie Platform means our platform, website, products, content, technology, functions and any other platforms provided by Trustie.

User Content Service means any post content including comments, photographs, links and other material that you place onto the Trustie Platform or Services.